SCI’s 8-Step Guide to Reducing Waste with Efficient Thermal Label Use

SCI’s 8-Step Guide to Reducing Waste with Efficient Thermal Label Use

We’ve all had that sinking feeling when our brand-new box of labels gets jammed in the printer and spits out useless scraps. But what if we told you that using thermal labels efficiently can not only save you money but also help the environment?

Here’s SCI’s guide on elevating your company’s sustainability efforts with a small change in how you use your thermal labels.

Understanding Thermal Labels

We all love thermal labels for their speed, durability, and affordability. But did you know they can also be part of your sustainability plan? There are two main types of thermal labels: direct thermal and thermal transfer.

Direct thermal labels are heat-sensitive and do not require a ribbon, while thermal transfer labels use a ribbon to transfer ink onto the label. Both types are widely used across industries for their reliability and efficiency. Moreover, both types can be champions for the environment if used strategically. Here’s how:

Simple Strategies, Big Impact

#1 | Stop Wasting Material

You wouldn’t use a billboard for a grocery list, so why use a giant label for a tiny barcode? Choose the right size label for the job. Plus, think minimalist design. Every inch saved adds up! Here’s an interesting fact to back that: The weight of all the empty packaging generated in the US each year could fill a line of garbage trucks stretching all the way to Alaska – twice!

#2 | Go Green with Your Labels

Manufacturers are getting on board with eco-friendly options from recycled or sustainable materials. These labels perform just as well as their traditional counterparts but with a lighter footprint on the planet. Look out for those options next time you order! Some of them include:

Recycled Content Labels:These labels are made from a portion of post-consumer recycled materials, giving new life to plastic waste and reducing the demand for virgin materials. Studies by theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) show that using recycled content in manufacturing can significantly reduce energy consumption, water usage, and greenhouse gas emissions compared to virgin materials.

  • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Paper Labels:These labels are derived from sustainably managed forests, ensuring responsible forestry practices and promoting healthy ecosystems. TheFSC certification guarantees that the paper fibers come from forests that adhere to environmental and social standards.
  • Biodegradable Labels:These labels are made from plant-based materials that decompose naturally after use, minimizing their impact on landfills. While not all thermal labels are biodegradable due to heat resistance requirements, research and development are ongoing to expand these options.

#3 | Print Only What You Need

Remember the days of giant label orders, half of which got wasted? On-demand printing lets you print exactly what you need, eliminating unused and outdated labels. Plus, variable data printing lets you customize each label, so there are no more generic pre-printed versions gathering dust.

#4 | Smart Inventory Management, Less Waste

  • Track Those Labels:Monitor your label usage. This practice helps you avoid overstocking or running out and prevents expired labels from ending up in the trash.
  • Try First In, First Out (FIFO):Just like with groceries, use older labels before opening new ones. This practice reduces the risk of perfectly good labels becoming unusable due to design changes.

#5 | Invest in Quality, Save in the Long Run

  • Reliable Printers = Happy Labels:A high-quality thermal printer delivers consistent, clean prints. Low-quality printers often lead to frustrating reprints, wasting labels and ribbons.
  • Durable Labels = Less Re-Labeling:Choose labels that can handle the bumps and bruises of your operation, be it moisture, heat, or scratches. It saves you from re-labeling and reduces waste.

#6 | Keep Your Printers Happy, Minimize Waste

Regularly maintaining and calibrating your thermal warriors ensures they run smoothly and produce crisp, clean prints every time. This practice translates to fewer misprints and wasted labels ending up in the recycling bin (or worse, the trash).

Proper storage is also key. Improper storage can lead to damaged labels that become unusable, defeating the whole purpose of efficient use. Keeping your printers happy and your labels fresh will maximize your savings and minimize waste.

#7 | Empower Your Team for Sustainability Success

  • Knowledge is Power:Train your employees on the importance of efficient label use and waste reduction practices. An informed team is a team that can make a real difference.
  • Sustainability Matters:Make label waste reduction part of your company’s sustainability goals. Communicate progress and celebrate wins to keep everyone motivated.

# 8 | Recycle and Reuse When Possible

  • Recycling Champs:Many companies specialize in recycling thermal label waste. Partner with one to ensure proper disposal and contribute to the circular economy.
  • Label Reusability:Consider labels that can be easily removed and reused on different packaging for specific applications. It is a great option for warehouses and logistics operations.

Concluding Thoughts

Efficient thermal label use saves you money on materials and reduces your environmental footprint. By optimizing your material, choosing sustainable ones, implementing print-on-demand systems, and investing in high-quality equipment, you can minimize the environmental impact of your business. Keeping your printers happy with regular maintenance, empowering your team with sustainable practices, and effective recycling can further ensure that your thermal label use aligns with your sustainability goals. Remember, every label saved is a small victory for our planet. Let’s work together to make sustainable practices the norm, one label at a time.

Ready to get started? Look foreco-friendly label options at SCI and explore on-demand printing solutions. Small changes can lead to big results!